Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gustav aftermath

Can anyone tell me what the beach will be like a few days after Gustav goes through...whether it is it a direct hit or if it%26#39;s further north or south of the GS area? TIA.

Gustav aftermath

Not really. Every hurricane and its damage is different. A couple of miles difference in where it lands can be huge. Watch the Weather Channel and ask here after the storm passes.

Gustav aftermath

We just returned today (Saturday) -- got down there Monday after Faye and there were red flags out, water was really rough and jelly fish were everywhere. Tuesday red flags were still out but jellyfish were gone. On Wednesday, had great weather and had good weather through Friday, but -- it is the mating season for the blue crabs, they were in the water big time. We left just ahead of Gustav and it may be worse than Faye was. Will post a full trip report when I%26#39;m not so brain tired from 9 1/2 hours in a vehicle.

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