Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kids in October

I may have the opportunity to be in the area between October 19 and 31. Neither my wife nor I have been to the beach at that time of year. We%26#39;ll have 3 year old and year old children with us.

Will it be too cold for them to play at the beach, swim in the pool, etc?

What%26#39;s the best case, worst case, and most likely scenario?

Kids in October

Great time of the year to visit. Usually warm, sunny dayes, definitely beach weather, most of the pools are heated. We%26#39;ve had guests tell us they swam in our pool when it was 50 degrees. Should be quite a bit warmer than that in October though.

Kids in October

It%26#39;s usually okay that time of year. Check out average monthly temps on this site:

I love it here in October and it should be nice weather for playing at the beach, don%26#39;t know about swimming (I%26#39;m a pool person all the way). Even though most of the attractions have closed for the season there is still plenty to do and no lines.

Worst case: Can%26#39;t even say the ';H'; word

Best Case: Warm/sunny and still high water temps

Likely: Warm and sunny but too cold to swim in the Gulf

Since our daugther has gotten out of school and our vacation time is more flexible. We always travel to the beach during October time, usually around mid-october and have always had great weather, except one day (sorry it was in Destin) about two years ago, it was raining and cold. We just hit the shops that day. The following day we were on the beach getting burned. Yes, the water in the ocean and in the pool area was nice and warm. Besides, the rates drop, the crowds are gone. Only downside going that late in the year is some things close like the water park.

Last year at that time, it was warm and wonderful. Visited friends at a condo, and the pool was plenty warm. So was the Gulf. Lots -- and I do mean LOTS -- of people plan beach weddings for that time of year, so I think it%26#39;s a safe gamble. Besides, there%26#39;s tons of things to do. Just be sure to have a backup plan ready and you%26#39;ll be fine. Come on down!

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