Friday, March 30, 2012

Thunder storms

How bad are the thunder storms? We start our vacation on Sat. night. I sure hope it isn%26#39;t raining all day every day! The long range forecast is about the same as it has been the last few days there.

Thunder storms

It clouds up about 2 out of every 3 afternoons. sometimes it rains for an hour or so, sometimes it misses wherever you are. It%26#39;s more relief from the heat than a problem. The main thing to remember is don%26#39;t mess with lightning. It seems like every year we read about people getting struck on the beach at Gulf Shores or DI.

Thunder storms

When we were there in june,

There we people on the beach and in the pools when there was lightning ,,,,

We went inside...

I kinda like it when it storms on the beach...........

That doesn%26#39;t sound too bad. There was a thunder storm when we were there a few years ago and it is pretty exciting to watch from inside, of course. We will definitely not stay outside in the lightning!

  • scars
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