Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Early trip report

We arrived in GS yesterday afternoon, checked in at Youngs, went smoothly. Arrived at the condo, at Lighthouse and got unloaded, then to walmart for groceries. Last night we ate at Tacky Jacks, Po Boys for 2 of us, fish sandwhich for one and steamed reds for me. was all great. today was beach and pool, nachos at pink pony for lunch, was quite a walk for us, but we made it. Back to the beach and pool, someone told us to try Docs for eating, so we did it tonight, it was ok, but not good enough for us to go back. 2 had fried Oysters which they said was mostly breading, one had all you could eat fish, we think it was mystery fish, as the waitress said it was sway fish, pond raised but danged if we can find any info about sway fish on the net. But everyone tried it and said it was great. I had clams and boiled shrimp and it was good for me. We don%26#39;t have any plans for tomorrow yet. I am old and if I don%26#39;t report daily while here, i will forget all we did and ate by the time we get home, so I will give chapters or installments while we are here. So far everything has been wonderful. Sun, beach and pool, it%26#39;s all good! and a few adult beverages!

Early trip report

Yay for you! Wish it was me and hope it will be me on Monday!

Early trip report

YAY,getting excited about my trip,now,5 more weeks....and those adult bev. sound nice,lol.Hope you have a great time!!!!We%26#39;ve never been to GULF SHORES,so really enjoy reading everyone%26#39;s posts...

Today is Sunday, and it was another good day. Yesterday the guys went golfing at the state park in the am, my friend and I went to Cafe Beniet for coffee and beniets, then went to foley and started back this way and hit every resale and consignment shop on the way back. got some great bargainsand everyone was SOOOO nice. When the guys got done golfing we went to Sea and Suds for lunch and it was ok. Today was another beach day, guys went fishing somewhere down the road, where the gulf meets brackish water, danged if I know. but they caught all kinds of fish, but weren%26#39;t prepared to catch or keep any, they never do, haha. so tonight back to walmart to get fishing stuff they need, and we got stuff to cook fish for supper tomorrow night, jinx for sure probably. I am ahead of myself, yesterday when we were out we went to a place and got shrimp and we ate in last night. tomorrow the plan is for us to drop the guys off and we are going shopping a bit, going to the little shops where the original oyster house is and look around. no plans for lunch, and of course fresh caught fish for supper, hopefully. we want to take a cruise out of Bear Point Marina sometime, is supposed to be the back waters and you can take your own cooler, but have to call or go and check on that. mostly on the beach or in the pool. but we find everyone down here so friendly and polite, is a joy for us. Beach was a bit crowded today, but we bought a $29 tent and set it up behind the beach chairs provided and that is working out perfect for us. lots of young couples with younger kids, they are so cute, so glad they arent mine! Ha! anyway that is the report so far. oh wait, Papa Roccos for pizza, oysters (can you say gagggggggg)tonight for supper. I ate crackers and tried not to watch the other 3 eat the raw oysters, but i did enjoy the pizza!

Today is Tues, we leave Thurs, yuk! today was great on the beach, ate at hooters for lunch, gotta love the wings. then tonight we went on the dolphin cruise out of flippers and we ate at flippers when we finished the cruise. One thing I can%26#39;t get over is how friendly everyone is here, no matter where we go. Yesterday we shopped a bit while the guys went fishing AGAIN. We went to the shops by the OOH and I always find a few things there for christmas presents, i find Illini stuff in Alabama, go figure. Afternoon was at the beach, supper was fish the guys caught, delicious. Today was Beniets at the cafe again, and the beach, guys went fishing and didnt%26#39; catch a stinkin thing. We leave Thurs so hopefully tomorrow will be another good outside day and pack up and leave for New Orleans on Thurs am. So far this has been a great vacation and I hate to leave GS.

';So far this has been a great vacation and I hate to leave GS.';

Now you know why we stayed!

So glad to hear you%26#39;re having a good time. I was down at the beach earlier today (Weds) and it was gorgeous. Big waves, beautiful, blue sky and no people! I don%26#39;t know who recommended Doc%26#39;s in Gulf Shores, I%26#39;ve never had anything good there unlike the one in Orange Beach which is great. Enjoy your evening and come back again soon. Like Bama said, now you know why some of us just decided to stay!

Glad you found the nachos at the Pink Pony.

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