Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sweet Peppers Deli

Anyone ate at this place yet? I don%26#39;t think it%26#39;s been open long, Im from North Baldwin and like to try different places along the coast for the experience. Any help?

Sweet Peppers Deli

My wife and daughter have been there a couple of times. They loved it. It%26#39;s just south of County Road 6 on the west side of Hwy 59. They say the salads are excellent and the baked potatoes are really good, too. Reminds me a little of McAlester%26#39;s. It%26#39;s part of a chain and they have a website:

Sweet Peppers Deli

I%26#39;ve been there about 6 times now and it only opened 2 weeks ago! It%26#39;s great food for those of us that need to get something for lunch and don%26#39;t want fast food. I haven%26#39;t had one bad thing and neither have any of my co-workers. No adult beverages but great desserts. If you have ever been to a Panerra Bread Company, it%26#39;s similar.

Ate there the other day as it%26#39;s literally next door to me and they have Muffalettas which I adore. While it%26#39;s no Central Grocery in New Orleans, the sandwich appeased my craving. One slice of bread was kinda hard and the other kind of wet but passable. Not as much meat but the olive spread was good. If you%26#39;re from the area or are visiting and are craving a Muffaletta, this is a passable version.

Bama, we must be work neighbors! Have you ever tried the muffalata at Old World Bakery? I think it%26#39;s pretty good.

';While it%26#39;s no Central Grocery in New Orleans'; Oh my they are good!!!!

Thanks for all the replys, I will have to get down there to try it.

Is Central Grocery still there? I haven%26#39;t been back since the ';unmentionable';.

';Bama, we must be work neighbors! Have you ever tried the muffalata at Old World Bakery? I think it%26#39;s pretty good.';

I actually work out in Fort Morgan but live on CR4. Where is Old World Bakery? And yes, Central Grocery is still there...


Old World Bakery is right next to DeSoto%26#39;s. Good pizza and good bread.

And the Tiramasu and cinnamon rolls, yummm. Worth checking out...

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