Friday, March 23, 2012

Driving Thru Dothan during Ntl Peanut Festival - help/advice

I%26#39;m driving from Atlanta to Apalachicola next weekend, leaving here Friday. Have made this trip many times but Dothan%26#39;s Ntl Peanut Festival is the same weekend this time. Am I going to be stuck in a traffic jam in Dothan? I think I%26#39;ll probably be there sometime between 3 pm and 5 pm - just not sure yet. I often see the signs for the fairgrounds entrances for the Ntl Peanut Festival and this seems like a big deal. Not sure if I should use a different route to Apalachicola. Any help, suggestions and/or advice is more than greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance.

Driving Thru Dothan during Ntl Peanut Festival - help/advice

I wish I could help more, but, since we live in Birmingham, we always go that way (through Dothan).

Even when it is not Festival, as you know, Dothan traffic the last couple years has become a pain in the butt. (At least in terms of wanting to get on through there on the way to vacation)

BUT, you are talking about the FIRST week of the festival; the parade and most of the headliners are going to be there toward the END of the festival,

(Nov 6-9).

If that is when you are going home, yeah, I%26#39;d try another route. DOES have up to date info on construction on all US highways, if that is helpful.

Have a good trip.

Driving Thru Dothan during Ntl Peanut Festival - help/advice

Thanks so much for your response. Yes, getting thru Dothan lately is a little time consuming, but since I live in metro Atlanta, it%26#39;s not that bad! I go that way frequently since we have a house on Cape San Blas. Usually I%26#39;m going through Dothan early morning but this time it%26#39;ll be mid-afternoon on a Friday, plus it%26#39;s Halloween, plus the peanut festival. I%26#39;ll see what happens. Thanks for the randy mcnally suggestion.

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