Saturday, March 24, 2012

want to swim in the ocean in Nov

For an early Nov vacation, we are passing on our traditional Maui trip, and wanting to see a different part of the US. I am intrigued by what I%26#39;m reading about Gulf Shores. I swim in the cold Pacific in Vancouver in the summer. I need a warm water location for our fall trip. Will I be able to swim in the ocean if we visit Gulf Shores in November? Will my family be the only crazy people playing in the sand? Thanks in advance for any advice.

want to swim in the ocean in Nov

Thank you for choosing Gulf Shores for your destination. You are in for a treat! It is totally different than Maui- I can only assume never having been there! :) November is quiet, compared to summer.

My kids have been swimming in the gulf on New Years Day and had a blast. Then again, they were young and really didn%26#39;t care. As for being the only crazy ones? No, there will be others, heck I%26#39;m here! The average water temp for November is 65 degrees.

You%26#39;ve picked a great time to be here, I think October and November are the best months of the year to be here.

Have a great vacation, welcome to Lower Alabama (LA)!

want to swim in the ocean in Nov

As Linda says, Oct/Nov is an excellent time to visit our area. Not many people, no lines at restaurants and the condo prices are lower. If you can swim in the Pacific in Vancouver, you can swim in the Gulf here in November. Daytime temps are pleasant and you should only need a sweater for nights.

Come on down, the water is fine! Too cold for me but I%26#39;m not a heartycanuk :-) You%26#39;ll enjoy the beautiful beaches the great food and the southern hospitality. Just ask if you have specific questions regarding restuarants, lodging, activities, etc...

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