Friday, March 23, 2012

The ';Cajun Pistol';

Wow! One of my co-workers went to the Shrimp Fest and brought back some ';Cajun Pistols'; for us to eat and they are buttery, cheesy, spicy little pockets of paradise. If I don%26#39;t make to the Festival at least I%26#39;ve experienced one of it%26#39;s culinary highlights! Now I know why all the hoopla...

The ';Cajun Pistol';

That%26#39;s what it%26#39;s called! I need to make it down there soon as my co-worker says they are so popular they sell out fast. I%26#39;m not due to volunteer til Sunday but I may run by there after work today or tomorrow. Weather could not be more perfect for the Fest!

The ';Cajun Pistol';

That%26#39;s what I%26#39;ve heard, they sell out fast and are usually not available on Sundays. You%26#39;re right about the weather, I was worried when I got up this AM and saw how cloudy it was. Perfect Festival weather now!

update: my co-worker volunteered today and I asked her if she had one but she said ';the line was too long';

I enjoyed one at the festival on Friday. My only complaint is the lack of seafood - maybe one shrimp and a little bitty crawfish with all that cheese. I%26#39;m going to try to make my own and stuff it with seafood! And you are right - the weather for the entire weekend was absolutely picture perfect!

When I got mine they were full of delicious seafood, maybe they were running out? How do you think you%26#39;ll make them, I%26#39;d love to give it a shot myself.


Here%26#39;s a recipe from the Shrimp Festival site:

Awesome. Thanks DD. It sounds delicious and not too difficult. What wine, that%26#39;s the question?!

Quick question...I think this would be even better with crab or even lobster but I think they are a bit more delicate in flavor. Do you think they would hold up in a recipe like this?

If I was going to use crab I would cut back on the cheese quite a bit. Maybe some Old Bay seasoning or even a little Tony%26#39;s.

Dry Riesling or Gewurz would do well, I think.

Good suggestions. I knew you%26#39;d be a foodie DD...:-)

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