Friday, March 23, 2012

Gas situation??????

Family leaving Friday to drive from Ky to PCB Florida. Need to fill up when entering Alabama to get us the rest of the way. How%26#39;s the gas situation in Alabama right now? Any shortages in the area? If so, what cities? Thanks!

Gas situation??????

I cannot speak specifically about the area north of the (TN) river, but last week they were all saying people traveling to and from the UA/UGA football game would deplete the shortage.

I personally have not seen that. I live in Birmingham, in an area where I am at several spots along I-65 3 or 4 times a week. Occasionally there is a station that is sold out, yes. But most do have regular, priced around $3.75-3.90, and I have not seen the long lines since 9/12 (the day of Ike%26#39;s landfall).

I think the problems have been much worse in Nashville, so try and get as far south as you can.

Sorry not more specific.

I would definitely give this a bump on Thursday.


Gas situation??????


My DH went out of town this morning, and has already called to remind me that THIS is Talladega weekend, and there are already stations running low.

This event is HUGE and has people coming from EVERY direction, so your route WILL likely be affected.

The U of KY fans coming down for the Alabama game may add some to that.

I would suggest making sure you fill up at home, and start looking about 100 miles B4 you%26#39;re empty. You may have to try more than one station, or you may get lucky.

Sometimes, of course, the media will make it worse than it actually is, but, you are on your way to a beach vacation. You do not need any annoying surprises.

Have fun,


I%26#39;m not familiar with Talladega weekend. What cities are most effected? Is this mostly in the northern part? Middle? Thanks.

Talladega is a town between BHM %26amp; ATL along I-20.

They have two weekends every year with NASCAR races. It is probably one of the more major (greater tradition AND bigger crowds)races in the NEXTEL cup, and to give you an idea...the traffic is probably about 3x that of an SEC football game.

EVERY route through the area is affected. (Including I-65, North AND South)

People come from all directions for NASCAR.

The major commercial shopping area nearest my home is probably 45 miles away, but every time all the hotels and restaurants are JAMMED PACKED.

We always completely avoid the area on Talladega weekends.

Hope that helps.

Have a good trip,


Gas is fine now, although there had been spot shortages for several weeks. Anyone traveling through AL this week will find abundant gas, although prices vary widely. In Anniston (20 miles east of Taledega), it is still around $3.50 while Gadsden, 30 miles north is selling it sub $3.00.

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