Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mom and Dad's GS trip report


%26gt; I now live in Gulf Shores, AL and it was my 40th

%26gt; Birthday.

%26gt; My parents are in their 70%26#39;s and aren%26#39;t as mobile as

%26gt; they once were.

%26gt; The goal was to eat some good meals, show them the

%26gt; area, and get some rest.

%26gt; Mission accomplished!


%26gt; Thurs (2/21)-

%26gt; Flew into Pensacola from Chicago.

%26gt; Temp when they left was 7 degrees.

%26gt; When they landed in Pensacola, 50s and rainy.

%26gt; Drove to GS.

%26gt; Stopped at Lambert%26#39;s ( for

%26gt; lunch.

%26gt; Dad is a HUGE Cracker Barrel fan so I knew he%26#39;d love

%26gt; this place.

%26gt; Food was plentiful as always and Mom about had a

%26gt; heart

%26gt; attack when the waiter came to fill my tea glass and

%26gt; it was a fake pitcher. Looked like it spilled on me

%26gt; but there was no tea in the pitcher. She screamed.

%26gt; Got them checked into their hotel.



%26gt; Picked them up a few hours later and went to Lulu%26#39;s.

%26gt; (

%26gt; This is normally a place locals don%26#39;t go to but they

%26gt; have an iceberg wedge salad with blue cheese and

%26gt; bacon

%26gt; I knew my parents would love.

%26gt; Only downside is I asked for a table far away from

%26gt; the

%26gt; band and was seated near them.


%26gt; Fri (2/22)-

%26gt; We went to the Tanger outlet mall.

%26gt; I bought some house shorts and a t-shirt from the

%26gt; Reebox store.

%26gt; Mom got a new blouse at Lane Bryant.

%26gt; Continued to Fairhope and the Pointe Clear resort.



%26gt; Dad had been here in the 40%26#39;s with his parents and

%26gt; had

%26gt; fond memories.

%26gt; BEAUTIFUL place.

%26gt; Old timey, classic place on Mobile Bay.

%26gt; Drove back to GS and drove them through the State

%26gt; Park.

%26gt; (

%26gt; Showed them the cabins which I love and hopefully we

%26gt; can have a family gathering at.

%26gt; Dinner was at Cosmos.



%26gt; Many people had recommended this place to me so I

%26gt; thought we%26#39;d try it.

%26gt; Food was good but I thought a bit pricey.


%26gt; Sat (2/23)-

%26gt; My parents had never seen my apartment nor my cat

%26gt; (Fred) so I picked them up and brought them back.

%26gt; Mom helped me with picking out where to hang my

%26gt; artwork and Dad tried to bond with Fred.



%26gt; He%26#39;s usually an outgoing cat but for some reason

%26gt; decided to retreat to the bed and ignore Mom and

%26gt; Dad.

%26gt; Next I drove Mom and Dad the full length of the

%26gt; beach

%26gt; from West Beach to the Flora-Bama.

%26gt; They LOVED it!

%26gt; On the way back we stopped at the Perdido Beach

%26gt; Resort

%26gt; for a fabulous meal of stuffed Crab Salad and

%26gt; Tomato.

%26gt; (on the menu it says Avocado but they were out)



%26gt; That night I had tickets to Celtic Woman in

%26gt; Pensacola

%26gt; for my Birthday so I dropped Mom and Dad off at the

%26gt; hotel.

%26gt; (

%26gt; They saw the movie Vantage Point and ordered pizza.


%26gt; Sun (2/24)-

%26gt; Biloxi Day

%26gt; We went to the Beau Rivage Casino.

%26gt; ( )

%26gt; Had the buffet which was great.

%26gt; Mom played slots and won $8.50.

%26gt; I lost $10 on video poker.

%26gt; Dad was the big winner at blackjack winning $45.


%26gt; Mon (2/25)-

%26gt; My 40th birthday.

%26gt; Had a fantastic lunch at the Original Oyster House.

%26gt; (

%26gt; Shopped for souvenirs at Souvenir City.

%26gt; Had a sunset dinner at Sea n Suds.

%26gt; (


%26gt; Tues (2/26)-

%26gt; Had lunch at Hazel%26#39;s in GS

%26gt; Visited the Naval Museum in Pensacola.

%26gt; (

%26gt; Dropped Mom and Dad at the airport.


%26gt; All in all it was a great visit.

%26gt; In April we head to Chicago for their 50th wedding

%26gt; anniversary!

%26gt; Anyone who is looking for a relaxed, family oriented

%26gt; beach vacation must come and check us out!

pics: ……

Mom and Dad's GS trip report

Sounds like a nice trip! Thanks for the report.

Mom and Dad's GS trip report

What a great time you showed your parents! You certainly picked the right spots.

What a lovely time it seems you gave your parents!

Hey bamanascar,

What a great, detailed trip report! It looks like your parents enjoyed themselves. Thanks for all the up to date restaurant info!

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