Monday, April 23, 2012

Going to Fort Morgan beach house in May - what to expect.

We will be going to stay at a beach house in Fort Morgan this May. We usually go July or August. What is the weather generally like in May, and what about the water temperature? Are there more jellyfish in the water and when do the local schools get out for the summer? I know I have a lot of questions, but I would greatly appreciate anything anyone could tell me. Thanks!

Going to Fort Morgan beach house in May - what to expect.

Air temps are warm in May. The Gulf is starting to warm, but depending on what part of May you come it might still be a little cool. Jellyfish come and go on their own schedule, so they may or may not be around then. Local schools are out the middle of May.

Going to Fort Morgan beach house in May - what to expect.

We went down the end of May/first of June last year and the weather was wonderful. Plenty warm - even hot on some days! Water was beautiful - no jellyfish to be seen. Most of the schools here in Alabama get out the middle to end of May. Our schools here in Tuscaloosa get out May 28th this year and that%26#39;s when we are headed down!


We are thinking of coming either the 3rd or 4th week of April or the 1st week or two of May. Does anyone know what the water temperature would be during those time frames?


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