Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Going to the Beach!

We%26#39;re going to be on the island the first week of April. This is our first visit and there isn%26#39;t alot on line about the island. Does anyone have any good advice for some newbies? Maybe restaurants, groceries, sights......or if you have a good website to visit that would be wonderful! Thanks so much!

Going to the Beach!

Go to While they do rent vacation homes, they have a truly informative website with Dauphin Island information (see the directory), and the map-Dauphin Island. there is also a video by the Chamber of Commerce as well.

Going to the Beach!

We have been twice and are going back this year for a third time to the island. We have rented from and and both have beautiful homes. If you get one gulfside you will be right on the water and what a view and the sound of the waves. Enjoy the island!

Thanks to both of you for replying! We are looking soooo forward to getting out the snow!!!! We have at least two feet of snow with more coming this week.

We usually go to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, but want to explore new places. My kids and I can%26#39;t wait to sit on the beach and my husband can%26#39;t wait to fish!

Thanks again!

We are planning a trip here in May. You can go to Youtube and watch different videos of Dauphin Island. We are excited that it is only 2 1/2 hrs from New Orleans so we are planning a day trip there as we have never visited. I was in Dauphin Island years ago with a friend that lived in Mobile. It has stuck in my mind since then and I can%26#39;t wait to get back!

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