Sunday, April 15, 2012

GS Trip Report June 7 - 14

Saturday, June 7, 2008

We left home at 8:00 in the morning and stopped at a few podunk gas stations and restaurants along the way to get gas and have lunch. We had good travels, except for a little bit of road construction in Montgomery, Alabama. We finally arrived in Gulf Shores around 6:30. GPS took us the wrong direction on the highway, but we finally found the condo, once we figured out what had happened. It’s a nice condo that’s a little dated in some spots, but you can tell where they have made some updates. Overall it’s very nice. I’m sure we will be back. Basically has everything you need to stay except for food. Got everything put away and headed out to dinner and to Wal-Mart to get some groceries for breakfasts and lunches for the week. Now trying to find someplace to go for dinner that night was an ordeal. We didn’t know what we wanted, we didn’t know what was good or what was open or where anything was at. Scrolled through the GPS to find something. Decided on Sonny’s BBQ cause I had been to one in Florida before and it was yummy. GPS took us to an empty lot. Come to find out they closed. Stupid GPS system. It was getting late and we were both tired and hungry, so we ended up at an Outback. Delicious! I had the chopped steak with onions and gravy on a bed of mashed potatoes. It was one of the best meals I have had in a long time. Shawn had the sirloin steak with broccoli and a salad. We both enjoyed a blooming onion that we got free with a coupon Shawn had. After dinner we headed to the Wal-Mart to get some groceries and a beach chair for Shawn. Then it was back to the condo for some zzzzzz’s.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

You know me, I’m always up at the crack of dawn. Read the phone book and found out some things to do in GS and some maps to let us know where things are. We both got ready and went out to eat breakfast and drive around a bit before heading to the beach. We ate breakfast at a place called Big O’s. Supposed to be voted best breakfast in Gulf Shores. I didn’t think it was all that good. Shawn had two sausage egg and cheese biscuits. I had an omelet, hash browns and wheat toast. After breakfast we went to the GS welcome center and gathered some reading materials for things to do. By this time I was ready to get to the ocean. Even though the condo sits on the beach, it was a long haul walking through the sand carrying everything. It was hot and sunny out there, but there was a nice breeze off of the ocean. We got all of our stuff set up and headed to the water, which was red flagged by the way. There were some really big and strong waves. We were only in the water for a few minutes and couldn’t get very far out before we were both ready to come in. Even though I LOVE the ocean, I’m not a big fan of being very far out with all of those waves. Brings back bad memories of when we were in Destin a few years ago. But that’s a whole different story. We layed out on the beach for a while, but I was getting too hot from the sun. I don’t know if it was just because it was so hot out there or if that Lupron injection had something to do with it. We both decided to go to the pool. After the treck through all of that sand and packing our stuff, the pool WAS refreshing!!! When we first got there, there was no one else in it, probably because everyone else was at the beach. We stayed at the pool for a bit, then layed out to drive off before heading back to the condo to get some lunch and relaxing a bit before we went on the dolphin cruise. We decided on the Blue Dolphin cruise based on recommendations from a friend. It was a two-hour cruise with only a small amount of people and was a good time. We saw lots of dolphins and I got lots of pictures. After the cruise, we went to an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet called Hazel’s. Shawn had the buffet and I had a cheeseburger and onion rings. Shawn thought the food was yummy. I thought it was alright. We won’t be back. After dinner, we headed back to the condo and stopped at Souvenir City and picked up a few things.

Monday, June 09, 2008

This morning we were up at 5:00 a.m. so that Shawn could go fishing. After we finally found the marina, no thanks to the trusty GPS system either, I dropped him off and I headed back to the condo. My plan was to go to the Curves and workout, however I was too lazy. Instead I stopped at Hardees and got some breakfast and came back to the condo. Ate breakfast and layed down and took about a three-hour nap. Got ready and layed out by the pool for a couple of hours and then came back to the condo. I had a sandwich for lunch and then got ready to pick up Shawn from his fishing trip. The fishing trip he took was an 8-hour trip and included the captain, his mate, and about 7 other people. They all caught a lot of fish. In fact, I believe I heard someone say that that was the most fish anyone has ever caught on one of his trips. While they were cleaning the fish, Shawn and I went back to the condo so Shawn could get the stink smell off of him. Then we went back to the Mariana so Shawn could get some fish to have for dinner that night and then some to take home. I’m not sure how I am going to feel about a 10-hour car ride home with fishing thawing out along the way. Yuck! Anyways, for dinner we went to a place called Mikee’s Seafood because they will cook your fresh catch. Shawn had some trigger fish, some mackerel and another kind of fish that he had caught, along with some side dishes and I had the chicken fettuccine alfredo. For once, I finally had a good meal. After dinner, we weren’t sure what to do, cause we were both tired, but weren’t ready to go back to the condo yet. We drove to the Tanger Outlet Mall in Foley and stopped at a few of the stores, as they were getting ready to close in an hour. We went to the Sketchers store and I got two new pairs of flip flops, as if I needed them.  Then I went to Lane Bryant and got two pairs of Bermuda shorts and Shawn went to a golf store and got nothing. After the stores closed, we headed back to the condo.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We both got up early this morning and I drove Shawn out to the Kiva Dunes Golf Club and dropped him off. Then I drove out to the ferry in Fort Morgan to find out the prices and see when the ferry departs. Then I drove around for a little while longer looking at all of the fun beach houses. I stopped at the GS Welcome Center and sat in the parking lot for a while messing around on the computer. They are one of the few Wi-Fi spots in the town so I was able to check my email and chat with my sister for a few minutes. After that I headed back to the condo and took a 3-hour nap. I love taking naps and that’s the great thing about vacations – you can nap all you want. After napping, I got ready and ventured out to pick up Shawn. Then the plan was to get some lunch and head to the pool or the ocean. However, it got cloudy outside and overcast, so we just drove around for the rest of the day. We went to lunch at LuLu’s on the Homeport. Aa decent meal. Shawn had the fried fish, fries, coleslaw, and a cup of gumbo that he said was delicious. I had the chicken fingers, fries, and coleslaw. It was all pretty yummy, however the chicken strips were a little bland. After that, we just drove around for the next couple of hours. Stopped at a few golf stores looking for a specific sand wedge that Shawn wants. We drove around in GS State Park some. Eventually we headed to Lambert’s for dinner. YUMMY!! We both really enjoyed our dinner and plan on going back one more time before we leave. Lambert’s is famous for throwing their rolls to you. You want a roll, just raise your hand and one will be thrown across the room to you. Our waiter was super nice and informative of what to order and a prankster I might add. Shawn had ham, baby carrots, and fried apples. I had the beans and ham, green beans, and fried apples. Then all throughout the meal they were serving up fried okra, fried potatoes and onions (yummy!), macaroni and tomatoes (yummy, yummy!), black eyed peas, apple butter and sorghum, and of course those throwed rolls. And everything was all you could eat. Of course after a helping of all of that, who could eat more! We were both stuffed to our full capacity. LOL! We headed back to the condo, but stopped at Pirate Island to play a round of miniature golf. Of course Shawn beat me at that and he got a few hole in ones which one him a free game. So I’m sure we’ll be back. After that we were both exhausted and headed back to the condo for showers and a good night’s rest. ZZZZzzzz!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We both got up early again this morning because Shawn was playing golf at this Peninsula Golf Club. I decided to stay at the condo today and let him have the car. I watched TV for a little bit and then took a nap. I woke up for the nap and got ready and went out to the pool for a few hours. When Shawn got back from golfing, he joined me in the water for a bit. Once we were both water logged, we came up stairs and ate lunch. I showered and got ready for the evening, then ended up taking a short little nap. I tell you what, all of that sun and doing nothing really makes a person need a nap! For dinner tonight we went to Ichiban’s, which is a Japanese Steak House. It was very yummy and rated up there about #2 on our list of good Japanese restaurants. Our #1 favorite is still in Destin, Florida. That was the first time we had ever been to one, so now we always like to try them when we go out of town. After dinner we stopped at the Walgreens to pick up a few things and then headed back to the condo for the evening.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shawn and I slept in today. We finally got up and got ready and walked to Bahama Bob’s for lunch. We sat outside on the patio and enjoyed the breeze coming off the ocean. Shawn had the fried platter with fish, oysters, shrimp, stuffed crab shell, fries and hushpuppies. He also had the fried alligator tails and really enjoyed them. I had the cheeseburger, fries, and hushpuppies. After lunch, we came back to the condo and changed and gathered our stuff to go to the ocean. We were there for a few hours today, laying out and playing in the water. It was really nice! The water was a lot calmer today than our first day on the beach. And I didn’t see any jellyfish, so that calmed me some. We used the float out in the water and rode the waves into shore. It was relaxing and lots of fun. Hopefully we’ll be able to spend some more time in the ocean tomorrow before we leave, however I don’t know how the sun will agree with Shawn and I. We both really burned ourselves up today. After we were done at the ocean, we got in the pool for a little bit and then headed back to the condo. I took a nap for a little bit while Shawn watched tv and then I got ready for dinner. We went to DeSoto’s, which was really yummy! Shawn had the Paneed Tilapia platter with steamed veggies, sweet potato casserole and the shrimp and crab soup. I had the grilled chicken with orange marmalade sauce, baked potato and salad and some yummy sweet tea. We both really enjoyed our meals at DeSoto’s. After dinner we went to Orange Beach to play putt-putt at Adventure Island. There was a really nice breeze out this evening so it was a nice night to play putt-putt. We both got some hole-in-one’s and I beat Shawn at this course. Then Shawn rode the go-karts and we played a few games in the arcade. After that we headed back to the condo for the evening.

Friday, June 13, 2008

We didn’t really do much of anything today. We slept in until around noon, then got ready and went to Lamberts again for lunch. This time I had the chicken and dumplings, which were yummy. Shawn had the fried chicken. And then of course we had all of those yummy sides. However my trip there wasn’t as pleasant this time. Shawn decides he wants another roll when the roll guy is all the way across the room. Shawn throws his hands up in the air to catch the rolls, guy throws roll, Shawn misses roll, roll hits my plate, tomato sauce platters me and my new WHITE tank top. I’m not a happy camper and I basically make it known to Shawn and everyone that is sitting around me. I used a whole Tide pen and I’m pretty sure the shirt will never be the same. Guess I’m glad it was just an $8 Walmart tank top. We were both too sunburned to want to be out in the sun today, so after lunch we just went for a drive. Wound up in Pensacola. Drove across the bridge and turned around to head back to the condo. Shawn wasn’t feeling well so he layed down for the evening and I got dinner from a pizza place across the street from our condo. It was called Frocelli’s and the pizza was just alright. I spent the rest of the evening packing things to come home.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Blah! My vacation is almost over! We spent the morning packing the car and the day driving! We spent the night in Nashville at our friend Pedro and Wendy’s house. Went to dinner at another Japanese Steakhouse and then went to play putt-putt and ride go-karts. Oh I can’t wait to get home and sleep in my own bed!

GS Trip Report June 7 - 14

Well, we were there at the same time...

Where did you stay??

we were at surfside shores...

We won%26#39;t stay there again..

Wal-mart was crazy saturday afternoon....

I think you did way more than we did,,

We layed on the beach till 12;30 or so,

cleaned up, ate out, layed on beach all evening..

We did go in a couple of shops,,(boring)

And to the warf to eat mexican food...

We ate domino%26#39;s first night,

sea %26amp; suds sunday,

lu lu%26#39;s monday,

tacky jacks on tuesday

shrimp basket on wed

thursday ,mexican at the warf

friday at franco%26#39;s

saturday, we drove home..

Lu lu%26#39;s and shrimp basket were the best...

tacky jacks the least..

Sounds like you had a good time...

GS Trip Report June 7 - 14

Great Trip Report! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your trip report. I felt like I was there! We arrive this Saturday for our first trip to GS. I can%26#39;t wait after reading your post. :)

Where did you stay? I noticed you walked to Bahama Bob%26#39;s. We are staying at the Phoenix All Suites West, which is right next door. Just wondering where you were. We leave 3 weeks from yesterday-----Can%26#39;t wait!!!!!

I love reading and writing trip reports. It%26#39;s such a great way to remember everything you did, and it%26#39;s gets those that are headed that way very excited for their vacations.

We stayed at Ocean Reef in Gulf Shores. It%26#39;s the second condo before you get to Bahama Bob%26#39;s on the left, almost directly across from Froceli%26#39;s.

We stayed in the Island tower next door to the ocean reef last year..

Loved the Island tower..

Nice property....

I would recommend it to anyone..

We also stayed in the phoenix all suites west a couple of labor days ago..

Nice and clean as well........

great TR and thanks for sharing

next time ask us any questions before you go and we%26#39;d be happy to ';steer'; (get it? GPS?) you in the right direction....

Our GPS system gave us wrong directions a couple of different times while we were down there. Someone said it could be because the Navy owns some of the airspace and it could be interfering. I don%26#39;t know if that%26#39;s true or not, but it sounds like a good explanation to me.

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