Sunday, April 15, 2012

Jelly Fish

Only 44 days until we get to go back to ';THE ISLAND';. We can%26#39;t wait! I have a question for maybe someone who lives on the island or someone who has visited recently. Last year the week we went we saw ALOT of jellyfish, especially in the morning washed up on the beach. Has anyone seen alot of them so far this year? How bad is it if you get stung by one? I was just wondering. Thanks for the help!

Jelly Fish

There was an article in the paper a couple weeks ago about jellyfish invading the island. Said they would be gone in a week or ten days. We were at our unit in Orange Beach and never did see any.

Jelly Fish

Not sure about the jellyfish being there - but I can tell you about a sting -

My son (age 11) was stung by one at Miami Beach last first, he thought a bug had bit him, but within 10 minutes, it swelled and was across the back of his leg. He tends to be a little dramatic, and said it was very painful, but he was controllable, so I would guess it was moderate pain.

Carry white vinegar in a spray bottle with you to the beach. If you are stung, spray the vinegar on it, let it soak, wash it off in 10 minutes and you%26#39;ll be ready to get back in the water in a couple of hours.

Thank you so much. I will have the white vinegar with me!

We do see these critters come by at various times of the year. We do not have any sort of flag system to ward of Rip Tides or jellyfish so you must be alert to such.

Be sure to educate your kids and other adults about rip-tide dangers as they are real on Dauphin Island (and most of the Gulf coast). Keep a float ready if you needs to do a rescue as you will not be able to float log enough with theat help.

Do not be worried and enjoy the beach but just be educated and prepared.

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