Thursday, April 12, 2012

Goings on July 1-5

Will be there July 1st thru the 5th and wondering if anything was going on? Posted same topic in here on June 5th and it got deleted...not sure why. Also posted in Gulf Shores forum ( to me OB and GS are the same place ).

Looking forward to our Bama beach visit!!!!

Goings on July 1-5

Lots of fireworks shows this year. In addition to the GS and OB shows, The Wharf is having a concert with some country singer and a fireworks show and The Beach Club is having fireworks. Here%26#39;s a link to a calendar of events. If the link doesn%26#39;t work, just go to and click to the calendar.…Default.aspx

Goings on July 1-5

Thx again dd for your help. I think we will be watching the fireworks and having a drink or two - well I will anyway - just found out that the wife is pregnant with #3. So in Feb, I%26#39;ll have 3 under 3.

Congratulations! I wouldn%26#39;t trade places with you for all the money in the world! :)

PS: Have you figured out what%26#39;s causing it, yet?

I keep asking my wife ';who is he';? She swears it%26#39;s me!

I guess since my boy is my %26#39;mini-me%26#39; I can%26#39;t really not take credit for them. Also, being that I%26#39;ll be 38 when #3 hits, I think that will be the end...snip snip.

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