Thursday, April 12, 2012

newer condos

Hello-My husband and I are plaaning a long weekend trip to GS the end of Aug. I have been twice but have only stayed at a friends condo, Emerald Key in Orange Beach. We do not know much about the area. We are looking for a beachfront and would like it to be in a newer complex or one that is in great shape. I have looked at Seawind and Lighthouse. Any other suggestions? GS or Orange Beach is fine. Thanks for your help.

newer condos

The two properties you mention are very nice. San Carlos is another pretty new property, as is Colonnades. Both of those are on East Beach Blvd. Crystal Shores on West Beach is only about three or four years old.

Some of the older properties have been refurbished since Ivan, so don%26#39;t necessarily rule them out. Places like Four Seasons in OB have a lot to offer.

newer condos

Thanks!! I will check into those properties. I do not mind an older place as long as it has been remodeled or kept up to date. We always take the kids and this is our very first trip to the beach without them. I just wanted some place a little more upscale and nicer than the places we stay with the kids. Thanks for your reply.

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